GDPR puts a variety of obligations on businesses. Due to the far-reaching penalties arising under data protection law, it is important for business-owners to recognise where a need for action is triggered. One area that causes confusion or may be overlooked is the requirement for a data transfer agreement (DTA). A business may need a DTA in the following situations:
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This article aims to provide you with knowledge of the key things you need to know when considering doing business in Ireland.
Ireland is a beneficial place to do business. It is English speaking with a well-educated workforce. It is a common law jurisdiction, with a strong tradition and legislative protection for international arbitration. Ireland is in the EU, and has strong ties (and supports) for trade with the United Kingdom and the US.
Continue readingSuccession planning in a small business can be a complex matter. Often the business might not attract external buyers or might be somehow unsuitable for sale. One option to consider is selling the business to current employees. This can be done in one transaction or as a process.
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