We are very proud to receive our Gender Equality Diversity and Inclusion Charter Certificate today from the Law Society of Ireland, and to be included among the first signatories of this important statement about fairness and equality in the legal profession.
Signing up to the charter demonstrates a commitment to treating all individuals and groups of individuals fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, in areas of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, race, class, disability or membership of the Traveller Community. As such, signatories will:
- Recognise the individual needs of those they employ and support them to develop to their full potential.
- Ensure equal access to opportunities for those they employ.
- Ensure their policies, procedures and processes promote gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
- Carry out their work without bias, in a respectful and non-discriminatory manner.
- Build awareness and understanding of the benefits of promoting gender equality, diversity and inclusion.
- Assign responsibility for meeting the Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Charter commitments to a named senior partner or member of staff. Signatories are encouraged to publish details of the senior leader who is accountable for the Charter commitments on your website or intranet.